Fri 03 Jan
*-:¦:-* ★ { BOOTYLICIOUS ★ Caramel BEAUTY } ★ *-:¦:-* SPECiALS - 27
(Orlando, E Orlando/Winter Pk/UCF)
BoYS PLaY __ WiTH ToYS __°__ ReAL MeN PLaY __ WITH ME!! __ !!!ViDeo 4 PRooF!!! 100HALF 150HOUR - 23
(Orlando, international dr / kirkman rd)
▃▅▆██▆▅▃BiiiGg Tiiizzz OOOOHHH WOOOOWWW!!!! 787 -546-O697 ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ $1OOhh..$8O yesssssss yessss yess - 29
(Orlando, ★★ international drv Orlandooo ★★)
*{BeT I CaN MAkE IT DiSAPPeAR ..... ((MS.STACKS)) .... Sooo MuCh Azzzzzzzz $$55 SPECIAL!! - 26
BECCA THE REAL DEAL GUYS >> relaxation @ it's finest .... 1000% REAL ter reviewed # 146620 - 21
@@@@Belkys y sofia incall @@@@ hot latin cuban europa limit...@@@786 6125646.espc - 40
(Orlando, Orlando International Drive)
Blissful Special✨ Sensual&Sexy;, Let's Play😝💦Bbw Hottie Ready for some FUN* Happiness In 1 Stop😘 - 22
(Orlando, Pine hills rd)
beautiful super Sexy Girl With Natural DD,s and 100% real pictures!! __-only 2 days!! - 25
❤❤❤Blonde Playmate, Pretty White Brunette CHECK US OUT! ❤❤❤ - 20
(Orlando, Winter•Park•★PRIVATE•HOME)
** Blonde Delight ** I'll Be Sure To Make You Feel Just Right **Blonde Delight** - 18
🔥🔥▬▬▬★ BEAUTiFUL★▬▬▬🔥🔥▬ ★ONE OF A KiND★ ▬▬🔥🔥▬▬ ★ PETiTE-n-SWEET ▬▬▬ ★ - - 25
(Orlando, sandlake road in or outcall)
*BeInG* __!!__ *ThIs * __!!__* BaD *__!!__ * FeELs* __!!__* So0* __!!__ *Go0D - 25
*** Beautiful *** HOT n SEXY *** BUSTY *** EXOTIC *** BOMBSHELLS!!!! (**** SPECIALS ****) - 28
. . BEAUTIFUL . . ASIAN .. . GIRLS.. ________ ________ ________ ________ orlando - 21
(Orlando, ORLAOND)
~~~~ BiG ~~~ BOoTy ~~~ LaTiNa ~~~~ In ~~~ ToWn ~~~ FoR ~~ 1 ~DaY ~~ OnLy ~~~ - 21
(International Dr.)
*¤Beautiful •»HOT TAMALE«• Come Enjoy Your Night With Me¤* |Call NOW!!| - 21
(Orlando, John young pwky)
BBW OUTCALLS- find out why my companionship is in demand! A thick, sweet beauty with special rates!! - 27
(Orlando and surr. areas, Lake county)
Adult SWINGER PARTY Going On Now! All Night Long! COme OuT & PLay! Join The Fun! - 25
👯🔴👯🔴👯🔴👯aLTaamoNTe 🔵💄🔵💄🔵💄🔵💄🔵 ReLy oN ReGuLaRs 🔴🍭🔴🍭🔴 SweeT & NiCe 🍑🔵🍑🔵🍑 - 24
(Orlando, 🍭 aLTaMoNTe iNcaLL/OuTCaLL 🍭)
Altamonte Springs ***Houston Texas Slim Petite Freak *** 60$ incalls only Cookielips 8328817568 - 28
(Orlando, altamonte springs/northlake)
----------★ aMaZiNG SKiLLS ★ ----------★ √√ GReaT ReVieWS★ ---------★ SiNFuL- SeXy, BuSTy- BLoNDe ★ - 23
[A Spanish HOtti] °o♥o° JÂW CLNCH¡NG & §PCHL§§ xPR¡NC! ❤.* ❤.* - 19
(Orlando, kirkman rd)
*Amber* In&out; call SpEcAils. Experience Companionship @ its BEST * NO RUSHING - 26
(Orlando, sandlake and international drive)
An amazing pleasure; fetishes and everything else that you can imagine will B made into reality - 23
(International Dr. and Kirkman Rd.)
°?°° A BLonD LiKe Me °?°° Is OnE Of A KiNd °?°° RaTes To Accommodate Every Budget! °?°° - 18
💯💄AbSoLuTeLy🍒 AmAziNg💦🚫No RuSh #1MoSt WaNtEd💋SwEeT 🍓🍓SE❌ii 🔥🔥👠 - 21
(Orlando, East Orlando near airport 436 UCF)
AbSoLuTLeY -fLaWLeSS!* HoT BoDy(InCaLL OR OuTcaLL!) PeTiTe CoLLeGe CuTiE!! - 22
.*¨¨* -:¦:-* A BloNdE YOU HaVe To ExPeRiEnCe .*¨¨* -:¦:-* - 25
(Kirkman - Universal Area Incall)
A*L*L* ~ *~ *A* M* E* R* I* C* A* N* ~ * ~ B* U* S* T* Y* ~ * ~ P* L* A* Y* M* A* T* E* - - 23
{*AbSoLuTe KnOcKoUT*} {*Role Play & FeTiSh FrIeNdLy*} {*BeST CHoiCE*} {*One Sweet treat*} - 23
(Orlando, Incall.outcall)
▃★•°•☆▃▃ A ▃ DELICIOUS ▃🍨▃ SNACK ▃🍡▃ FOR ▃▃ YOUR ▃▃ CRAVING ▃▃▃★•°•☆▃ - 23
(Downtown Winter Park International drive, Orlando)
~Abellaa~{AVAILABLE NOW} ♡♤Beautiful Brunette~♡* *OUTCALL ONLY* *☆☆407-985-0571☆☆ - 20
(Orlando, orlando & surrounding)
💘💎💕 AbSoLuTeLy AmAZiNg🎀😋 CoMe PLaY WiTh Me😋💦Sexy REDHEAD LATINA MaMi💖 PReTTy FaCe💦🎀 PeRFeCt BoDy🎀💕💎💘 - 22
70 Specials (((EbOnY SuPeR FrE@k ))) TeLL Me HoW U LiKe It ...I JuSt W@nn@ PLe@Se U - 27
(Orlando, Universal Studios Area)
$$$65sps..Early morning specials...come play wit ur island queen...$$$65 - 18
(Orlando, in calls I drive)
{50 Special hablo espanol} °°**ExOtiC LaTinA PriNceSs**°°ClAsSy SeXy SenSual GoddEss°° - 19
(Orlando, orlando and surrounding areas)
$60 specials!! MS. VANILLA BEAUTY~ classy & sassy 772.501.9853 - 23
(Orlando, 441 & Holden~ INCALL ONLY)
** 50 $ specials :) Exotica TrOpIcAl LaDiE MuSt See Now!!!DNT b Shy - 21
(Orlando, U.c.f / east Orlando)
🔥💥🔥💣60qv your favorite girl💯 is back and ready to please.💥come have an explosive time.🔥💣💥 - 25
(Orlando, ucf🏩 incall🏩 out everywhere)
4) Tonight $40 or $80 off your session ☄Juice worth the squ♋ze☄ Angel (¯`/•ิ_•ิ\´¯)& Luke ๑۩๑ - 35
60🌻 💕SuPeR SlipPerY💦🔥Slim🍒ThiCk SeNSaTiØn🍓 Daddy Strokes💦Only MakeMe 🍯Cream&Scream;👅💦 - 20
(Orlando, University/ UCF / Alafaya)