Fri 03 Jan
~*~TopLeSS 42DDD's MuTuaL TouCh BoDy RuB W/ a SuPer SweeT & ThiCk BBW Hottie- ~*~ - 25
(Orlando, International Drive & Sandlake Rd.)
Thu 02 Jan
👋StoP R€4dy Now↘CoM3 pl4y 😻💝➡️ ℰ✘тя℮m℮Ly💦 ⒼⓄⓇⒼⒺⓄⓊⓈ 🍭💦 💟💝Q▫V Spec!@l 💝 🌹💦ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ😘N0w - 25
(Lee rd., Orlando)
Young sexy TS ready for you if you a first timmer here is what you looking for baby 9" FF Toy - 23
(Orlando, Millenia Area... Int Drv.....)
💋💋 😯Wish you may?Wish you might? Enquire for sexy TS ERIN delight ❤ 💥💥 👄👄 - 23
(Orlando, 💟 Orlando💟 fl mall)
Bisexuals Transsexuals Couples CD TV - TRYSEXUAL TUESDAYS @ Club Revolution - 25
(Orlando, Orlando Florida)
Visiting Fri&Sat;:: Sexy Tia: OMG!! SHES HOT* (I-DRIVE) CeRtifieD Super Sexy Freaky Upscale **GFE - 21
(Incall 4 star IDRIVE - OUTCALL TOO:))
Special Date With a Special Sexy Lady! Katrina Incall Mccoy rd 407-508-7000 100hour 70 short - 36
(Orlando, orlando- incall mccoy rd outcall airport)
REAl PICTURES ... 100% Fun ... Pure Satisfaction .. Super Sexy =.Natural Beauty =) :Well Reviewed - 22
*{* NeW *}* {{ SeXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l UNiVeRSaL}} {* NEw GiRL*} - - 21
Little Miss Grace .... Cute in the face ...... and slim in the waist ! - 20
(downtown (( Cuban Princess)))
L A D I E S B E C A R E F U L !!!!! P L E A S E B E C A R E F U L !!!!!! R O B B E R !!R O B BER !! - 26
*LAST day In Town*$pecial* HiGhLy REViEWED BuStY BaBe * DoWn-To-EaRtH * GReAT RATES!!! * - 20
I' m a RARE TREAT, that YOU just HAVE to MEET !!! With SPECIALS that YOU cant BEAT! - 22
(Orlando, :::: AiRPORT/i-DRIVE:::iNCALLS ONLY!!!)
:* F@R A §:* F@R A §w Ebony G.F.E. +wih+ NaUgHY InN§iOn§ *:. ST@P BY*:. @ND SeE {ALEXIS} - 18
$eXy ME + Th3 Xperience ~~ Mixed tre@t ~*~ I can make u happy ~ *~ .....(ONCE) U Come see Me!! - 23
(Orlando, Sandlake rd/FL.mall area available!)
65$ Freaks ONLY 👅Orlando Area (3214426811) No Black Men 🚫 - 19
(Orlando, Altamonte Springs , Fl 32714)
100hh special ⇖✘⇗ №1 Most Wanted BlonDe HoTTie In Orlando!!! ⇖✘⇗ 44 AMAZING REVIEWS!!! - 23
East Orlando's Helen and Katie have good news for you ! - 30
(East Orlando..near Dean RD & E. Colonial)
*(tOuCh mE) * Te@Se Me* (t@StE Me) +NeEd Me+ (pRegN@Nt) @Nd (SeXy) +SeNsU@l+ @s EvEr!!!!! - 24
(436/I-4 altamone springs)
💙 SEXY 💖SULTRY, SEDUCTIVE 💙 Classy 💚 Vibrant 🔴 Highly Recomended T3R 💖 💖 - 39
(Orlando, orlando anywere)
▬New girl today💗 ◆Asian Experience 💗Chinese💗Hotel in orlando~~ NURU massage - 19
(down town. International dr.universal, Orlando)
¤º° ¨¨°º¤ NEW BEAUTY ! HOt OFF tHe PrEsS! xXxTrA xXxTrA ReAd ALL aBoUt It! ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø - 20