Fri 03 Jan
$50 SPECIALS!! %%%%%% MaTuRe EbOnY ViXeN %%%%%% (((($50 SpECiAl All DaY $100 full hour)))) - 36
(West Orlando Incalls!)
🎀💟🎀💟🎀✨34 DD All AmEriCaN DoLL💟 _ LiMiTED EdiTi.ON✨ _ SM0kiN' HOTt 🔥 BLONDE _ T!GHT & JuiCY🎀💟🎀💟🎀 - 24
(Orlando, OUTCALLs or INCALLs)
36DDD♥°° C_Õ_M_P _£__T__£_Y_ ♥ _§_Â_T_I_ §_F_Y_I_Ñ_G °♥-.... real pics.. - - 27
(Orlando, (((east orlando)))Incalls Only)Airport))
[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* Early Bird Specials*] - 19
(Millenia Mall Area)
💖• ✄ cut out the fakes ✄•💖• • 👑 just see Giselle💖▪▪Busty 👑 💖•386.957.2538💖• 💖limited time - 25
(Altamonte 436, Orlando)
//// . .Angel Star . . \\\\ (((( __ Bad As Sin __ )))) //// . . Last Weekenddd. . \\\\ - 20
(/// Theme Parks Around You INCALL)
>>321-297-9911 >>> BEST IN TOWN >>> NEW >>> READY NOW >>> 100% REAL PIC >> FUN TIME HOT SEXY .. - 22
$150 Hour 💕 💙 High Class Latina Bl BLONDE Sexy Curvy Fun! 💕 Feel like a FULL Man!321-327-1347 - 24
(Orlando, orlando/international dr/disney)
☆:*¨ ¨*:☆ SWEETasHEAVEN ♥ HOTasHELL ☆:*¨ ¨*:☆ Brand SPANK ME New! - 22
(Orlando, !!!!!!!!!incalls or outcalls!!!!!!!!)
T H E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ - 21
(Orlando, airport area)
[incall outcall] ^^^^^ >>>>> WOW >>>> ^^^^^^ SMOKIN Hot ^^^^^^^ BLONDE ^^^^^^^
I'M BACK ** check my fantastic reviews* Ginger NEW # 321 246 8766 I'M BACK - 21
(international drive)
💞INDEPENDENT ▄▀▄▀▄ SEXY❀BRUNETTE ▄▀▄▀▄ Doll❀ ▄▀ YOUNG___ ***HOT COLLEGE Girl**💋 (( 22 ))$$6 - 22
((((Extremely Hot Asian ))))) 100% (FIRM D'S!) ☛ DONT PASS ME UP ☚My Skin's Sooo Soft - 26
(my place or yours)
😘Exotic mixed freak, Pretty faced *Perky*Curvy* 100% Real SPINNERS AVAILABLE NOW!!!♡♡ SPecials - 21
(Orlando, International Drive, Incalls Only)
****** EvErYThiNg YOU WaNt and MoRe ****** SIMPLY deLiCIouS ***** ($45 Specials) - 36
❤••❤• BEAUTIFUL BRUNETTE ❤ ❤ ViP PlAyMAtE ❤ ❤•• ❤• . ❤•• ❤• . - 18
(Altamonte Maitland Longwood casselberry, Orlando)
"*~ BBW ~*" TyTe & Oh So Right~* THICK ~* With SOFT JUICY {48"Inch AZZ } - 50
(Orlando, Sand Lake Rd & I Dr. In Calls)
___ Be AuTiFuL ____ E x O t i c ___ HOT ____ PLaY m aTe ___ - 23
(Orlando, outcalls only)
Visiting from Clearwater - Bethany - The Brunette Bombshell **You can't keep it up but i can** - 24
(Orlando - Tampa)
Sexy Passable 10" Beauty !! REAL 10" Surprise!! Txt Me for a pic to prove it !! $80 Full Hour !! - 25
(Orlando, I Drive)
*Top Notch Latina* Airport area!! come spoil me n shall make u feel like a king !! - 19
(Orlando, McCoy/ airport area)
💖💕 ThIcK & JuIcY Latina Princess 💕💖 💋🌟 AvAiLAbLe WeDNeSDaY AnYTImE 🌟💋 - 77
(Orlando, ••FOUR07*TWO83*TWO97NINE•• E.Colonial Dr)
*:.★.: *:.★.: TOO HOT TO HANDLE LATINA *:.★.: *:.★.: - 25
(Orlando, VISITING KISSIMMEE (near old town))
💋💋😻❤️🏆💦👑💗💎💕 Marie 🎀💘💌💘💗. Playmate Of The Year💕💎💗👑💦🏆❤️😻💋 - 20
(Orlando, Winter Park.Maitland.Altamonte I4Easy)
(( ★ _ MAiN ATTRACTiON_ ★ )) ( HOTT SPECIAL$! )available - 27
(Orlando, Winter Pk / East Orlando Incall)
🍯🍌HEY!! Honey hurry leaving soon 😍💋😍 mixed❤ You want it I got it Fat booty,sweet to the touch 🍭🍡🍭IM - 21
~~ Hello Gents Yours truely Blonde hottie []() Nice Body {} () {} ready to get naughty!! ~~ !! ~~ - 23
*Gorgeous, Indian playmate *** experience this exotic beauty - 23
(Orlando, orlando and surrounding)
*BLOSSOM*New In Town »*«Stunning Model~Classy~Pin-Up** 100%-Real - 20
(Orlando, International Dr. in/outcalls)
Thu 02 Jan
▬▬▬█♥█▬▬▬►💋 PRETTY FACE SEXXY BLONDE◄▬▬▬█♥█▬▬▬ Hot MILF Loves To PLease ◄▬█♥ - 37
(Orlando, Orlando/casselberry)
♥★🍦🍦★ All American lacy...I do ThiNgs oThEr GirlS wont... viSiTinG! !←←★♥🍦🍦♥♥ - 22
(Orlando, outcall only)
T'ea Winters , what dreams are made of 💋💋💋T3R 311338 - 30
(convention center, mco, idrive,lbv, Orlando)
Goddess Alexandra ~ Well Known for that SuperSweetStuff ~ Highly Desired Golden Kitten - 38
(Florida Mall, Orlando)
🔥🔥╠╣✪ Ŧ 🔥🔥 _ § -€ -X -¥ _ C~U~R~V~Y _ ฿ ✦L✦ ✪✦ N✦ D✦ € _*&*_ ฿•U•S•T• Y ( ๏ 人 ๏ ) WH!TE TS - 34
(Orlando, SoDo (Downtown) In/Outcalls( ๏ 人 ๏ ))
**SuPeR * SeXy * & * Seductive * TS HOTTIE ** Come take a TRIP on the ** WILD-SIDE** - 29
(downtown Orlando)