Fri 10 Jan
Georgia GeorgiaAaaA Sexy Little Petite Newbie ** If its not me its free! Watch me spynnnn - 18
(Orlando, Ucf)
eNjOy tHe CoMpAnY oF All AmErIcAn KatrinA KatrinA KatrinA * BeaUtIfuL TalLl blonde & gorgeous - 21
(Orlando, east orlando & outcalls)
* ♥* DON'T YOU WANT !!! ------- >>> {{ Big BOOTY on Duty}} ::: DOnT MiSS OuT::: * - 20
*CrEaMy*..JuIcY & wEtT { DiRtY LiL dOmiNiCaN sLuT} ♥ HoTt 60/QkY Lo@d..SpECiaLs ♥ - 25
««*¥°.· ALT@MONT€S BE$T K€PT $ECR€T ˇ.·° COM€ ~°H@V€°~ FUN °·.ˇ LaTe NiGhT SpEcIaL$ ° · .°¥*»» - 27
P R E T T Y R 3 D -:¦:- A L W A Y S -:¦:- A V A i L A B L E - D A Yor N i T E - 20
(lee rd & outcalls)
( PRETTY! ) = __ { BLONDE} _( BeAuTy )_*_*_ REAL PICS _*_ ((HARD BODY)))!!! - 22
(441 and orlando outcalls ; ))
1OO %GUA ®ANT D PLA SU®E 1OO %GUA ®ANT D - 19 - 19
🎀❤ LAST DAY Sunday❤❤#1❤ ❤❤❤DREAMGIRL❤️🌺💚 WEEKEND❤💋❤*~* LUXURIOUS *~**~* 🌺🌟 ❤🌺BRUNETTE 🌟🌺💚 - 23
_ೋ_ SPICY FUN;)* _ ೋ _BuStY BiG BoOtY CuBaN PrInCeSS_ ೋ _ - 27
❤PuRe RuSsIaN PlEaSurE ❤ ExOtiC❤ BrUneTte ★ BOMB$HELL★ ❤My✔ Accent✔Will✔ Seduce✔You❤ ★407 572- 1620 - 21
(Orlando, Disney, I Drive, Universala)
---------- ----------- ------ CARINA - Beach Bunny - New TER Reviews ----------- ---------- - 22
(Orlando, OUTCALL)
MUST READ!!! If you are looking for an Escort Job. THIS IS A MUST READ!!
(Daytona, Orlando, Space Coast, Treasure Coast)
Thu 09 Jan
New New New .. the real fantasy that can make your dream true .. New New New - 19
(Orlando, altamonte maitland casselberry longwood)
UP ALL NiGHT ★ [Specials] ★ BEAUTY & C U R V E S ★ Limited Time Only - 25
(Orlando, outcalls & incalls)
:{:}:}{:}{: sUper seXxy nEw rAteD "M" F0r mAtUre eyeS onLy.. cUm taKe a peeK !!! 80 80 80 80 ... - 21
(i drive// sandlake)
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) New gorgous lacie!!!!:-) :-) :-)no aa please!!! call now don't miss out - 21
(Orlando, idrive downtown in or out)
5 star provider- Let me make you happy- Real Pics, New in town!
(Daytona, Orlando, Space Coast, Treasure Coast)
Y__O__U __R __~__S __E__X__ X__Y__~ __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ ~__ S__E__C __R__E__T - 19
WITH $*$ CARAMEL $*$ SETTLING $*$ FOR $*$ LESS $*$ IS $*$ NO $*$ LONGER $*$ AN $*$ OPTION $*$ - 36
(Orlando, Kissimmee Pleasant Hill Rd.)
No RuSh, SwEeT, & dIsCrEeT... InDePeNdEnT , DrAmA FrEe!! WeLcOmE To EcSTaCy..... - 23
(Orlando, outcall only all of Orlando)
Leaving SOON!! *::* JuIcY CuBaN PrInCeSS *::* Airport Area till I leave... - 77
(Orlando, INCALL ONLY•°4O7*two83*two979°•AiRPoRt)
♥♥♥ LeaViNG Soon!! NeW PiCS! Busty Caucasian Babe With Legs For Days!! AWeSoME REViEWS!!! ♥♥♥ - 27
(Orlando, Super Outcall Specials!)
** EaRLY MoRNiNG PLeaSuReS. WHiLe THe OTHeRS R ASLeeP We R ReaDY 2 PLaY. SPeCiaLS - 21
(Orlando, ** ORLANDO, INCALL/OUTCALLS** Always Up!)
Create Magic With A Exotic Portuguese Vixen...Last Days! - 27
(Orlando, JohnYoung & Sandlake In & OutCall)
🌟🌟AMAZING?? Yes!!! She's All That!!🌟🌟 ✨• ExTrA ThIcK & SeXXy ✨• - 27
** ALL AMeRiCaN BaRBiE DoLL **** BLoNdE HaiR ***** BLuE EyES ***** NEW PICS **** BLoNDE BaRBiE
813 966 6341 - When you can't get enough of a good thing, 3 hours for the price of $160 - 44
(Orlando, Orlando International Drive)
★.•*¨¨*•- ☆____________ gOrGeOUs ______________ blOnDE ___________ BombsHeLL!!! ★.•*¨¨*•- ☆ - 21
(Orlando, Orlando & Surrounding)
(GOOD MORNING!) 6O specials █ ExOtIc EbOnY FETISH DOLL))) (((SKILLs *TALENt))) - 25
~LETS PARTY♡😇EBONY🔝🔙 DOLL SWEET🎀 sexy♡=♡UPSCALE🗝♡Amazingly pleasurable♡ Treat HIGHLY 😗Reviewed - 23
(Orlando, Orlando your place tonight😘 Or mine😆)
🆕407👑955🐝0349ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ 💄$eX¥🔥🔝 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη†☆🙈️ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 💦Supper Soakeer💦M¡Ya - 24
(528/kissimmee/Orange Blossom Trail/OBT, Orlando)
💯% 🌟🌟~ 💯%💎Petite Redhead💎~💯% 👯I May Not Be Perfect👯💯% 😻But At least Im Real😻~ 💯% 👅 - 21
(Orlando, Altamonte/ Casselberry)
👯💋 Exotic Latina Ts 9"H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E💋 L💔VE kissing(Sunday Special) - 26
(Orlando, Orlando/Downtown area)
1OO incall Specials 💕Sexy 💕 Sicilian 💕 Sofia 💕 100% real ! New Number! - 19
(Orlando, kissimmee, 192, 535, Disney,)
* STUNNING * ((* B _L_O_N_D_E *)) ** PLAYMATE **Outcall Specials!! - 21
(My Incall or Outcalls to you)
Wed 08 Jan
its a Nice day for luxury iam up only amazing luxury support my college fund - 18
(Daytona, Daytona beach ormond beach port orange)
*Let Me Be Your Little SECRET* SUPER-SEXY *Caucasian * TS * Hottie!! * Newcomers Welcome! * * - 29
💋ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ 🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩ 💕 👑 💖 150/200 💙💚 #1💗💛ŦØP 💜💜 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦ŦẸÐ - - 22
(Orlando, Sand Lake & Universal Discreet Hotel)