Mon 27 Jan
:::..::Chicago, $$specials all night, make the Best choice:::...:::3219454532 - 22
(Orlando, west colonial)
☂ C.H.E.C.K O.U.T T.H.E.S.E S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S ☂ F.O.R 2 N.I.T.E O.N.L.Y ☂ ☂
Catch me while U CAN🙋🏽👠 ✅✔️ 📲📲Ebony MixXxed Playmate🙋🏽👸🏽 Undeniable Talent🏆 Available NOW - 23
(Orlando, Winter haven/altamonte/orlando/kissimmee)
CANADA EH!!💃🙌 • Freaky Canadian Girl In Town • Qualified to leave you SATISFIED💦👅 Incall Only - 20
(Orlando, International drive)
CALL NOW 60* S*P*E*C*I*A*L 60* S*P*E*C*I*A*L 60* S*P*E*C*I*A*L 60* S*P*E*C*I*A*L - 20
CALL NOW!! ❤.█ ➜ (( O P E N )) THE GATES 2 █ ➜ PLEASURE ★ P A L A C E █ UP ALL NIGHT !! ❤. - 21
(Orlando, UCF/University/Goldenrod CALL NOW!!)
$$Call Now Specials All Nite Long$$~Mz.Juicy here to stay~ *Round juicy booty* Natural* I'm Real* - 23
(Orlando, i- drive/sand lake road/convention cente)
C --- H --- I ---- N ---- A--- :*: G -- F -- E -- :*: INCALLS / 120 ¤ 180 ¤ OUT/200 ¤ 250 ¤ - 23
(incalls maitland area/out ur place)
BLonDe GeRMaN PLayMaTe TotaL GirL-Next-DooR Ready & WiLLiNg Hot $150 Special - 23
(Orlando, !!!!! OUTCALL ONLY !!!!!)
°❀° C_A_N_'T_ °❀° B_E_A_T_ °❀° T_H_E_ *: °❀° B_E_S_T_ •* 38DD*-*ALINA•* - 24
(Orlando, Orlando in/outcall)
BuStY sExy TIFFANY 38DD!! ✰ »» DELiCi0US EB0NY NyMPH0 »» Up LaTe AlWaYs WeT aNd rEaDy - 19
(Incall/Outcall- Orlando)
**(( BuStY bLoNde bOmBsHeLL ))** **(( 36 DD ))** **(( i'M BaCK!!! ))** - 19
Bringing a New Way of Having Fun! 2 Full Hours! Website With Full Details! Beautiful, Blonde, Busty! - 49
(Orlando, Near Orlando Convention Center)
(Brand New) TEXAS FINEST Blonde Petite Bombshell Visting (AVAIL NOW) - 19
(Orlando, I Drive in call outcall)
$$$ Brazilian and White Beauty Ready & Waiting $$$$ 40 TOP, 75/hh, 150/hr $$$ - 25
(Orlando, Winter Park Area Incalls)
BRAND NEW 34DD B O M B S H E L L.... ((T H E *~* B E A U T I F U L *~* G I R L*~* 100% Real - 25
★║█║★║█║║█║║█║★ BrAnD NeW ★║█║║█║║█║★ HoT ★ SeXY ★ BruNeTTe 🔥🔥 ★║█║★║█║║█║║█║★ - 19
(Orlando, incalls or outcalls)
BRAND NEW__!! LooK===== ► (( SEXXY )) BRUNETTE (( HOTTiE )) ◄ HeRe - 22
☆☎ ⤠☆ BOMBSHELL Visiting THIS WEEK!! ☆☎ ⤠☆AVAILABLE 24/7!! Dont Miss Out!! - 19
(Orlando, Orlando - your place)
BOOTY @@@@ BOOTY @@@@ BOOTY @@@@ BOOTY @@@ a { SpEciAls } - 24
(Orlando, Sandlake/universal/outcalls available)
** Blonde ~ Pretty ~ Intelligent ~ Classy ~ Available Now ~ ** Quality Companionship ** - 28
(Orlando, 4-Star incall - International Drive)
((BLONDE frEAK)) •-:¦:-I CÂN ÐÕ MÂGIC †®IcK§ wI†h MY LiP§ HiP§ & FiNG€® †iP§ -:¦:-• ((BLONDE frEAK)) - 24
(Orlando, OUTCALLs ONLY!!!)
💎💋💎 🌹 ▬▬ 🌹 Blonde Hottie 🌹 🌹 Enj0y Your FULL $200 hour🌹 ▬▬ 🌹 CLASSY 🌹 ▬▬ 🌹Amazing Body 💎 - 24
(International Drive/Orlando/disney, Orlando)
Brittney and Miss Christine, girlfriends that need a guy $250/hour - 24
(Orlando, international drive INCALL ONLY)
♥-:¦:- BRAND NW ° GRN ¥D ℬℬW -:¦:-♥ ° SUP® JU!©¥ °
80 Special:•. ★.•:*¨¨* SWEET *¨¨*:•. ★.•:*¨¨* SEXY *¨¨*:•. ★.•:*¨¨* SEDUCTIVE *¨¨*:•. ★.•:* - 21
(Orlando, Altamonte)
**:. ★.°80 SeXy {{NeW}} - ° Magically DELICIOUS 80 °-:¦:- {{WoW} TER reviewed 80 - 22
☆$80 Special G Ø R G E Ø U S ☆ B U S T Y ☆ BlOND3 †Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ G¡F†€D ☆ Aw§oM€L¥ SK!LD - 21
(Orlando, Ucf/University blvd/East Orlando)
80 Special!! *The SEXIEST, & FREAKIEST On B.P...HANDS DOWN!! Come Feel My Body!!* 80 Special!! - 19
$80 SPeCiALs ▀▄▀ ❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ L e t ' s °•❤•° M a k e °•❤•° M a g i c ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ ▄▀▄▀ - 24
(Orlando, orlando, International Drive, sea world)
$80 Special * Exotic * Gorgeous * Dominican/Blk *XXXModel *100% PICS 321-527-1431 In/Out Calls - 22
(436 near altamonte springs mall/I-4)
80 SpeCiAl %%%%%% AmaZiNg HoT n SteAmy ADvEnTuRe w/ ThiCk n SeXy EboNy %%%%%% - 36
(Orlando, INCALL Kissimmee Pleasant Hill Rd.)
♥80 INCALL Special ♥ UPSCALE EBONY That Loves White Guys Muah;) ♥%100 Me Or My Time Is FREE!!♥ - 19
(Orlando, Ucf Near East Colonial Oviedo Alafaya 50)
$60 {EVeRy BOyS DReaM } (EVeRy ManS FaNANTASY )»jst4u {FeeD Ur NeeD }» ((w/ lil Me) in/out.. 2 girls - 21
(Orlando, orlando In/out)
💋💋60 InCaLl SpEciAlz💋AlL NiGht💋 LeTz PlAy💋AlL DaY💋60 InCalL SpEciAlz💋💋 - 26
$60$ Hungry? ❤ Come🍌 Get 🍪 Some 🍦of My 🍑 Tasty Treats!! 🍯 ReaDy To GeT ExTra NaSty! ♥ 2 girls - 21
(Orlando, Orlando in/out)
$60 late night W00d? Let victoria take care of it! huge tits fat ass! sexy latina bbw - 21
(Orlando dont miss me..)
50$ Sexiiii Thick Yummy Red Headd Girl ThAT Will Give You Something To think about all Nite.N - 27
(Orlando, east orlando)
7O Speci@ls {HONEY}= {An [E]xPeRi[E]nce That [W](i)LL LeAve Your - 26
(Orlando, CONROY/ I-4 EXIT 78)
***80*** 80** Specials I PROMISE TO PLEASE outcall only ** 80* 80 IM A NEWBIE SPEcial all *80 80 80 - 19
(Orlando, outcall)
7O SPeciALS ((((((EXOTIC EBONY DOLL)))))) (((((( 5 ✰ 1st CLaSS ✈)))))) ❦ - 25
---6ft tall --- Blonde--- thick --- ready to hang out. 60 incall specials --- - 24
(Altamonte, Orlando)
💎$60Spec.Leaving Tonight Visting Thick Beautiful Petite Big Booty Peaches All Races Welcome💎💕 - 19
(Orlando, International Drive Incalls)
(60sp) PTIT ((WT)) BONY!! ¢-:¦:-¢ YOUR NW â¢-:¦:-¢ ; ADDICTION! __ U __WONT -:¦:-FORGT M :) - 19
(Orlando, Airport)
$60special ❤.• WaRNInG ☜❤☞ ÅddI© +!V€⇨ F®e@K¥ GiRL⇨ LiKE ♛WhAT ♛YOU ♛SeE ♛LoVE ♛HoW It f€€l$ ▄❤ - 27
(Orlando, Orlando/hiawassee/408/sr 438)
60sp★EverY BoY's WiSh ★EverY MaNs FanTasy EvEry HuSbAnds SecRet**60 SPECIALS** - 20
(Orlando, Sandlake dr.)
60hh(NAUGHTY girl ALERT) InCrEdIbLe 5☆ TRATMNT XxX AmAzInG SkIlLs HOT'n' sPeCiAlS 60hh - 19
(i-drive INCALLS)
$ 60/hr ❤ ♚ ✿ ♚❤ ♚ ❤ ♚ ✿ ♚ ✿ ♚❤Pretty Sexy Girls Massage ✿ ❤ ♚ ✿ ♚ ❤ ✿ ♚ ❤ ✿ ♚ ✿✿♚ FREE Table Shower - 26
(Orlando, Orlando❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤407-896-1868❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤)
(60)(60)(60)* My NAkED BOOTY will HYPnoTIZE you COMpLEATLy NAKED come PLAY With This @SS IM EXOTIC!! - 19
(Orlando, conroy, Private incall)
$$60$$NEW 2 Town with Diamonds N btwn her ****347-676-9518 no black man - 22
(Orlando, International Drive)